Would you, perchance, provide the mailing address for justices of the supreme court? I'd be happy to send a few polite but pithy postcards to those justices who don't seem to believe in Stare Decisis and don't seem to be beholden to their testimony as candidates for appointment in their judicial behavior.

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I have completed the three letters. I doubt that Clarence Thomas will give any thought to retiring. He is too greedy, where else could he make $278,0000 per year, plus full benefits and expenses, AND have "friends" who buy him expensive stuff, give him grandiose vacations, plus help out with supporting his extended family?

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Here's the thing; he'll get 100% of his salary and benefits, for life, sitting or retired. He will not have the influence or attract the gratuities if he is retired, however.

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Correct, and apparently he doesn't think he could live on a measly 280,000 dollars a year. I lived quite well in DC for more than 15 months on less than $80,000 a year plus expenses and paid full upkeep on my home in Sacramento County California. Of course, I never expected or wanted to live like a multi millionaire..

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This is a copy of the letter I wrote to chief justice

Chief Justice John Roberts

Supreme Court of the United States

1 First St. NE

Washington, DC 20543-0001

Dear Chief Justice Roberts,

We feel the court, instead of being the major safeguard of the Constitution, freedom, and democracy, has become one of the most divisive and destructive forces in America. We feel they have become biased, isolated, extreme, and corrupt. Therefore, we would deeply appreciate your resignation to support the integrity and value of the Supreme Court and its decisions.


Fay E.A. Reid

I will send the same letter to Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

Great post and thank you.

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