Another fine article about important items for all to read and ponder. Thank You for the words of the song sung by the former Cat Stevens! I tear up every time I hear most of his lyrics!

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I went to high school with people who read rags like that. We reconnected on FB and I tried to listen, reason with them, ask incisive questions. Frankly, they have become fascists in America. They were incapable of making persuasive arguments, couldn't tolerate differences of opinion and defriended me.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Oldandintheway

Jim, yup. I haven't heard a reasoned explanation from any chumper yet--they just get enraged at my questions and call me names. Rational discussions cannot happen when one debater is emoting instead of thinking....

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I find it difficult to be called a commie/fascist, but I guess it's different than just being a fascist. Their defenses of their beliefs rarely go beyond name calling. They are very threatened by any information outside of their "special sources."

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A few years back I received a hard copy of the rag you discuss. They claimed they had to break through being blocked digitally. I actually kept the issue because I couldn’t believe the crap they were spouting. I didn’t know the background at that time. It’s terrifying to think that people believe their rubbish. Interesting fact about them funding the worst candidate ever. Thank you for trying to bring reason to their world.

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I thought that some of them might be at least clever or funny. It was all stupid name calling and blaming the MSM for brainwashing me.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Oldandintheway

Thanks Old guy, I've had first hand experience with the type of people you describe. My first husband. He wasn't stupid, he has a masters degree in civil engineering, but he had so low esteem for himself, that he only felt comfortable around people whom he considered lesser - laborers person with less than high school education. Needless to say he despised me. Personally, I think nothing can be done to change this kind of personality disorder.

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I had a few couples like that in the 90s. If he didn’t turn off Rush Limbaugh the marriage ended in a couple of months.

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I’ve got friends who quote the ET almost exclusively. They are lost. And armed, but then, so am I.

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Play safely. Don’t believe everything you read

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Ally, you're everywhere on 'stack! I think "Old" has his heart and mind in the right place....

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Oldandintheway

Here in the hinterlands of central Texas, there are a LOT of people who fall into the following category (as former Prez Obama once noted), "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." But they aren't the only ones. There are also a LOT of well-educated, relatively wealthy, otherwise nice people who can't or won't try to defend their voting record (consistently Republican) and their continuing support of Trump. Their ranting and name-calling gets old after about 30 seconds, so you lasted a lot longer than I have. Rational argument that is based in actual facts doesn't penetrate. Nothing else matters except their anger and frustration. It's a 10-year-old world out there - one from which the adults have been exiled. Very scary!

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Wow, Texas! It certainly is a different culture, way back to its slaveholding mentality. I live in such a bubble up here in MA. The only Republicans I know left the party when Charlie Baker left to run the NCAA.

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